Monday, June 4, 2007

Totally P.O.'ed

Day 84, 1745 grams

Yes, I got really P.O.ed tonight. But it's not what you think! Here in the NICU racket P.O. stands for "per os" which means "by mouth." So if a baby gets their "full P.O.," it means that they have taken their entire feed by the mouth, and not that dumb ol' tube. So tonight marked the first time that I got my entire feeding by bottle! I tried the bottle before, but I wasn't really into it. But tonight for some reason, I took to it like a champ. Oh, and my meals are now up to 36 ml, by the way.

All in all today had a little bit of everything. Breast feeding, kangarooing, eye exam (sadly, no change), a major diaper fill. Mommy sang to me a lot today and talked about her other kids. I was about to get all jealous until she explained that her other kids are her piano students, so that's ok. I don't have to share my toys with them. I think she misses them very much! I can't wait to meet them in the fall when she goes back to teaching.

Well, I'm beat. I had a very full day of baby stuff, so I'm off to bed. G'night!



Ceci said...

Congratulations on your first bottle feed Andrej!

Now my question is: what kind of nipple did you use? You had quite a few to chose from ;)

See you tomorrow night

Anonymous said...


Please let your mommy know that her students miss her so much too but they understand that you need her more right now! Their mommies miss her too and we all look forward to having her back and teaching in our homes this Fall! We also REALLY hope she brings you to the lessons. You are so cute and we can't wait to meet you in person (although we feel like we know you thanks to your great writing skills!) Enjoy the kangaroo sessions, they were Benjamin's favourite when he was in the NICU too.

Love, Arielle , Arthur, Laurence, Benjamin and Bubba.

Kayko Driedger Hesslein said...

Hi, Andrej, how nice to get to know you through the internet and to see how big you're growing! I was so sad to hear about your brother, and I know you and your mommy and daddy will always miss him. But I am so proud of your mommy and daddy for getting through the last three months. I don't know when I will get a chance to see you in person because we are moving to California at the end of July, but tell your mommy and daddy that if they need a swing for you when you come home from the hospital or any clothes for when you grow bigger, we have some that we would love to lend to you! Okay, have a good day, keep POing, and I will read about you soon! Love, Kayko (and Josh and Akira)

Anonymous said...

Hej BIG boy,
today is your 85th day and you are sooooo cute and so not tired to talk to all of us every day... thank you so much. Glad your mommy is singing to you (sure she will teach you to play piano one day).
I am having a party tommorow and all I ask my relatives and friends is for litle donation for Jewish General Hospital - The Oliver John Vandenberg Memorial Fund for NICU.
I know every small donation will help you and your friends in NICU to get better...
with love,
auntie Meli

Anonymous said...

Sweet baby Andrej,

We have been reading up on your incredible development so often. We think about you and your parents every day. You should know that the Wunsh children (and parents) miss your Mom very much and cannot wait to meet you when you're ready!

Lots of love for now.
