Sunday, June 24, 2007

Lots of Action

Day 104, 2240 grams

Where to start? First of all, my apologies for not posting Saturday's blog entry on time. My wi-fi connection in my crib went down. Yeah, that's it. That's what really happened... Any way, you can read yesterday's post below. Do it now.

I'll wait.

OK you're back. So today was an interesting day. Mommy and auntie Mel had a an "80's moment," which totally gives away their age. And then they made fun of auntie Ceci's homemade mobile. Imagine Tim Burton made surgical gloves. Madness, I tell you. I thought it was pretty cool, though. Then again, I'm a baby. I think my hands are pretty cool.

Meanwhile back on the farm, Oma went church hopping today and saw that 5 different churches had set up flowers in my honour. Such attention will surely make this baby blush! It's nice to know that so many people are rooting for me over there. Thanks for all the prayers and good vibes!

And while that was going on, Baka and her Balkan posse went on a border run for a shopping spree. I got them to pick me up a few new outfits while they were down there, and I can't wait to see what they got me. Unfortunately for daddy I couldn't convince them to pick up some scotch at the duty free. They thought it was a weird request, but then I don't know what scotch is. Mommy says it's like special milk for daddy's when they do something good. So after Baka dropped all the ladies off, she made a surprise stop at the hospital. They're starting to let grandparents come in for short visits now, and I was really excited when she got to hold me for the first time. I mean, just look at the excitement:
Well, OK that looks more like I'm falling asleep, but trust me, it was exciting!

Until next time, cyber friends!



Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear that all is well and that you had such a good clean weekend! You'll be in your new house in time. You are blessed!

Ceci said...


you and your mommy can keep laughing at my mobile all you want. It was FREE and made with things we found lying around. And your neighbour didn't seem to mind it THAT much...

Cross border shopping is so much fun. Don't forget we need to "borrow" you and go get us some Bugaboos. If you behave, you can have some scotch... tape! ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi Andrej. Laurence and Benjamin wanted to write to tell you how much they miss your mommy. they were just visiting your blog for the first time and thought you were so cute. They hope you will be coming to their piano lessons with your mommy so they can meet you. By the way, we have a trick for you. When Benjamin weighed 2200 grams, we 'BEGGED' the NICU to let him go home (even though he wasn't the best feeder) and they let may want to tell your parent to ask...Once home, he became a good eater...

Anonymous said...

Hey you look great with your baka...handsom.... love auntie Meli and Mladen