Monday, June 11, 2007

I Am Mighty!

Day 91, 1900 grams

Yes, yes, I am one powerful baby. I had my laser surgery today, and in preparation they gave me Fentanyl to knock me out. Well, half way through the procedure I start coming around, so auntie Mel gives me another dose. A double dose! I am so powerful that I can shake off a painkiller that is more powerful than morphine. Grrrr!

So about the surgery. Everything went well. The doc says that he didn't have to laser as much as he thought from my right eye, so I won't lose as much vision there as my left eye. Time will tell just how much of my vision is gone, but the main thing to remember is that my forward vision, the vision used for driving, recognizing faces and playing video games, should be OK. I'll have my first follow up this weekend, and by my 44th week we should know how much vision I have. Fingers crossed! Mommy still says I'll be playing piano no matter what, and she can't wait for me to join her "other kids" for recitals! Here is a picture of me after the surgery. I'm wearing preemie sunglasses while my eyes heal. For the next couple of days I'll be sensitive to light, so I need to stay in the dark as much as I can. No flash photography, please!



Anonymous said...

Hi my powerful big boy!!!
I am so happy you are over it and sure you will be fine... can not wait to hear you playing piano with your mommy....
love auntie Meli

Anonymous said...

I am so glad the surgery went well. Hopefully I will see you tomorrow night!

Love Auntie Jocelyn xoxo

Anonymous said...

Dear Andrej,

We are so happy to hear that the surgery is over and done with! You are one courageous little boy! We can't wait to hear you playing at recitals with all the kids.

We send you all our good thoughts for a fast recovery!!! Love for now,

Michal, Rafi, Roey, Daniela, Eytan & Nadav

Anonymous said...

Hi Super Boy
No wonder your Dad wants to get you going on Star Wars--all that laser stuff. Did the doctor use a light saber? Did you know that Luke Skywalker was also a twin? so there's another connection.
We went to see your great Oma in Hamilton and who do you think we should run in to there? Your Opa VandenBerg. He gave us an up to date report. And we prayed for you at Oma's house, and for your cousin Felix who knows all about surgery at an early age and struggles with stayin' alive. You guys could compare scars when you get out. I believe in miracles and I'm praying that God will give you and your parents several.
I'm glad that your surgery went as well as can be expected. No surgery is fun. But hey, about the eyes, musicians need good EARS. Look into a guy named Suzuki. And then there's this guy named Ray Charles. Talk to him.
Glad to be back in touch with you!
The Boston family