Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Feeling a Little Weird

Day 85, 1740 grams

A bit of a weird day today. It started out fine, but after lunch I started needing more and more oxygen, until at one point I was up to 50%. Mommy noticed that I wasn't exactly myself as well. She used the word "lethargic," which I think means "cute when I sleep," but I can't be sure. I am cute when I sleep, though. Well then, my oxygen saturation was all over the place, and people were starting to get a little concerned. They did some blood tests on me, most of which came back normal. We're still waiting for the results of another test, since it takes 24 to 48 hours to process. Mommy is worried that I may have picked up another infection, or that I might have a cold. Either way, this is cause for concern. Then later on this evening after I ate I was back to my old self. Mommy took me out of the incubator to hold me and we hung out for about 3 hours until my next feeding. I was awake and alert the whole time, and my oxygen level went back to where it usually is set. So what gives? I don't get it. I'll rest for a bit and see how I feel tomorrow. Hopefully there is nothing serious to worry about.

Send me some good vibes!



Anonymous said...

1780g :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrej,
everybody was feeling weird yesturday and last night... did you see this wheter? Sure your results will come O.K. Tell mommy to sing you in croatian so you do not forget...can not wait to hear good news tonight from you:)
love auntie Meli

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrej,
hope you are singing with your mommy till now.... can not wait for news tonight...
love auntie Meli

Anonymous said...

Well, Little Buddy, we are all ready to take off for Ontario to see cousin Magda get married to Joel. You are definitely going to feel some major vibs as the Tigchelaar clan gathers. You have a very big family and we are a praying family. You are going to be big on our hit list so fasten your seat belt. Your great Oma is a good friend of God's so I know she will be talking to Him and getting us to do the same. We are also a big singing family so there will be some raucous jam sessions. If you feel your little world shake, it won't be the caffein withdrawal, it will be us having a good time and rooting for you.
I tried to get you to be ring bearer--how cute would that be--but its a hippie wedding and they don't do ring bearers. Don't feel bad, I had nominated myself as flower girl and was turned down. I even got some cute shoes and had practiced throwing petals but its kind of hard to pull off when you wear support hose. We would have made a cute pair.
Love to the parents. I'm so pleased that you and your mom are doing the breast thing. Its the best.
Stay strong!!
Aunt Marcie from Boston