Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sigh... More Toilet Humour

Day 107, 2270 grams THAT'S 5 POUNDS!!!

I took another 6 feeds by mouth again today, so that is 2 days in a row. Three more and I am outta here! Not much else to report, mainly because mommy and daddy are working like crazy trying to get everything ready for my big introduction to the world.

Scarcely a day goes by that I don't amuse someone with my bodily functions, and tonight was no different. This time around it was during my official weigh-in. I have to be completely naked for this, so when I was placed on the cold scale I was already--hmm, how to put this-- "committed" to one side, and I let fly a beautiful golden arc on to the floor. Laughter ensued. I rule.



Anonymous said...

Dear Andrej,
what are you doing soooo late - 3:40 am? you should sleep and rest... Hope to hear more from you today.
Love auntie Meli

Anonymous said...

So, so proud of you. You have come a long way. Try not to make it a habit of staying up so late. Your mommy and daddy need their rest so they can play with you all day. Can't wait to see you soon!
Love Bubz

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrej! I just caught up on your blogs (hadn't read them in a bit). Just wanted to say that it was a very nice surprise to come back from my week off and find you in a crib. You're a big boy now and although I am ecstatic that you might be going home on Sunday, I have to admit that I will miss you and your parents. It's nice to come to work and to see familiar faces around. And not to mention, we're going to lose our "senior" patient! All for the best I am sure and I will make sure to keep on reading on your many new adventures once you get home. Big kisses! Mouah!
Auntie Val xxo