Sunday, May 27, 2007

Weight Watchers

Day 76, 1500 grams

OK so this morning mommy and daddy met with the doctor to discuss my recent weight loss. Since I'm not having trouble eating and I'm processing my food properly (ie. pooping on a regular basis), it seems as though the issue is simply that I am using all my calories for healing, particularly my lungs. So the answer is to add more calories to my diet. They've bumped me up to 32ml of milk, but in order to really bulk me up, they are adding fortifiers, including polycose, which is a straight up starch. Pure carbs. Oh yeah. We'll have to see how this turns out. So in a weird way, my weight loss was a good sign--a sign that I am getting better.

And as proof that I'm not having trouble eating, I totally got my milk on tonight with mommy. I was wide awake and sucking like crazy. Always a good sign. Before that I made a right mess of my incubator with a rather large and somewhat violent poop. Yeah, it was nasty. Then I peed on mom while they were cleaning me up. Bingo! Andrej: 3, Clean Sheets: 0.

Not to worry, I'm still negative for VRE. Keep your fingers crossed!

I'm off to sleep now. Behold the cuteness!

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