Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm a Huge Pig

Day 71, 1550 grams

BURP! The thing about breast feeding is that there is no way to control how much I eat. They are supposed to be giving me 21 ml of food every three hours, but at least three times a day I get as much as I can handle directly from the source. In order to estimate how much I take, mommy weighs me before and after. Last night we figure I took in about 35 ml in one feeding! Bring on the dessert!

That brings me to the reason why my post is so late today. I had so much fun with mommy and daddy last night that we didn't get to bed until 3am! (This entry is actually being posted at 12:45 on the 23rd, but I always backdate them if I'm late so that they're all in order).

On another technical note, nobody can hear my music because I downloaded it from iTunes, and they want you to buy the song instead of just listen to it. I would have just uploaded it from the CD, but I couldn't go out and buy it because, oh I don't know, I'M A BABY. I'll send one of the parental units to go find it.

At least they have high-speed internet in the incubators. This place is awesome!



dbyrne74 said...

Hey Andrej, Its you dads cousin Danielle from Hamilton. Im so happy to see that your doing so well. I just got off the phone with your grandma and she is so proud of you!!! I cant wait to meet you. Tell your dad that I love him, miss him,and hope to see all of you soon. Glad to see you like the real deal...lol

Anonymous said...


Its auntie mel and auntie ceci here... just wanted to say how happy and proud we are of you on your recent breasfeeding success! I am however disappointed that you didnt mention the " spectacle" you got to witness yestersday afternoon! hahaha!
Now, we dont do the "auntie dance" for just everyone you know!!!!

Keep up the good work- we will see you on friday!

Your aunties, mel and ceci