Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Every Girl Crazy 'Bout a Sharp Dressed Man

Day 72, 1560 grams

I am one sexy baby. Look at me. LOVE me. Last night the decision was made that if my dumb IV infiltrated one more time, they would take it out. I'm finished with my antibiotics, I don't really need the TPN since I'm up to 30ml of milk, and I can get my hydrocortisone orally. So who needs an IV? Not this guy. And as luck would have it, my IV did infiltrate last night and so it was out with needle and on with the PJs! Auntie Jocelyn honour of dressing me for the first time and she chose for me this jaunty little one-piece number in green stripes. She says green is my colour. I wouldn't know since I still can't see in colour yet.

Any way, I've heard so much about these PJ things and now I see what all the fuss was for. I mean, I was dead sexy before, but now I am a lethal weapon of cuteness. I know it's a shame to cover up my little bod, but just look at me! I hope to have more pictures as I work my way through my rather extensive wardrobe.

I had two successful breast feeding sessions today, much to the delight of mommy and the nurses. I'm sorry that I didn't mention auntie Mel & auntie Ceci's happy dance yesterday. Those two crack me up!




Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

Must say, I think Andrej is right-he was cute before, but all spiffied up, he is beyond adorable! Keep up with the feeds, at this rate we'll be meeting you real soon!

Love Arielle, Arthur, Laurence, Benjamin and Bubba

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My Little Pumpkin...I have to say you were adorable just sporting a diaper...but now you are an absolute knockout! Keep up with the breastfeeding, you are doing sooo well. We are all very proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrej,
You look like the little green sprout- the sidekick of the jolly green giant. So glad you are bulking up still you little hulk.
We finisshed planting the strawberries and peppers on the farm and it is tropical now and finally things are growing. Poor Uncle Matt and opa had to stay up 3 nights to water the strawberry blossoms to prevent frost damage- we were very tired! Hopefully you can et a few berries this summer.
Love opa and oma

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrej: My aren't you looking cute in your green striped outfit, ready to fight your way out of that incubator really soon. God Bless little one you are loved more every day. One of your Oma's friend, Ann.