Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Happy Baby

Day 51, 1130 grams.

Pretty smooth sailing today. I'm starting to chunk up a bit now too. Tomorrow they are going to start fortifying my milk with more calories, fats, proteins, etc. to get me ready for life without my central line. Also, they will be lowering my air pressure tomorrow, getting me ready for breathing on my own--look for some big news next week!

Yep, that's pretty much it for today. I figure a picture is worth a thousand words, so I hope you like today's!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,Minus the various lines, you totally look like the Grade 1 people in my music class...they also spend a fair bit of time lying on their backs, jiving to the music. So, for optimal sound production, you need that tube out of your nose - but I bet your diaphragm is already compensating! Boy soprano? Come on, Rutter awaits!!
Cheryl Tig