Thursday, May 17, 2007

Boy Meets Boob

Day 66, 1440 grams... HEY! That's double my birth weight!!!

Exciting day today. But first the boring stuff: infection still there, but under control; still on the nasal cannula at 25-30% oxygen; no major bradys or de-sats.

Now the good stuff! I was feeling really good today. I was very alert for a good part of the day, and I was interacting with everyone around me. The big action came when I was kangarooing with mommy. We decided to try out this whole breast feeding thing. Apparently the milk comes from those. Who knew? I always thought they came from those little plastic bottles. But it turn out I can just latch on to one of those things and get the milk right from there. Astounding! What will they think of next? So any way, I tried it out for a few sucks and it went amazingly well, but then I got tired, so I stopped. And went to sleep. Mommy was so impressed with my performance that she went out and bought me some Winnie the Pooh diapers, new blankies and PJs. I'm not sure what these PJs are yet, since I tend to spend my days in nothing but a diaper. You laugh, but you should try it. I bet you'd never want to wear clothes either! All in all I had a great day with mom. She sang to me and told me stories and I stared at her for hours. She's one hip lady. I think she's in love with me--she keeps kissing my cheeks and my belly and tells me that I'm the love of her life. I hope daddy doesn't mind sharing!

Until tomorrow, I'll just keep movin' on!



cecilia said...

Oh Andrej!
I'm so glad you got to BF! I hope you become a champ at that, cuz it's so important!

I'm off this weekend, but keep the news coming. I'll see you on Monday ;-)


Anonymous said...

My Little are a champion in every way possible! Way to go with the breast feeding :)
Love Auntie Jocelyn xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hooray for doubling your birth weight! (did you move up a weight class? Look out Rocky, Andrej's coming for you!)

And Hooray for boobie feeding! (That will be your favourite activity in no time!)

I can't wait to see you little buddy! Oma and I will be there tonight!

Love Aunt Becky

P.S. Loved the 'littlest Hobo' reference in your last blog!

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to see you latch on yesterday- I wish I had a camera to capture mommys face though! She was so excited and proud of you and I even think I saw a few tears!

Then we had quite a funny photo shoot- I am sure mommy will tell you all about it!

Cant wait to see you all monday,

Hugs and Kisses
Auntie Mel xxxx

Anonymous said...

Sounds promising---definitely understand the no clothing deal (too constricting)
Ta for now...