Friday, May 4, 2007

Tubular Turmoil

Day 53, 1170 grams.

Breath in slowly. Now exhale. Again. Yep, that's what I'm breathing too. Room air. How sweet it is. Sure, I have my little fits now and again for which I need a little O2 boost, but for the most part, I'm riding those low 20s right now.

A bit of chaos regarding breathing tubes, however. Yesterday during all the commotion, the doctors, nurses and RTs hadn't decided if I was going to be re-intubated or not, so they had the rigid intubation tube ready. When the call was made to go to nasal CPAP, they didn't go with the softer tube, they just cut the hard tube to fit. Fast forward 24 hours and you can imagine how uncomfortable that can get. My nose started bleeding everywhere so they removed the tube and replaced it with some crazy mask that attached to my head. Apparently it's still CPAP, just a different method. Any way, I hated the mask, not because it was uncomfortable, but because it was really ugly. I mean, it totally clashed with my Sesame Street blankies! So after all that, we are where we should have been all along: soft-tubed-nasal-CPAP-apalooza.

Other news is that I now have a new routine during my routine care: Burping. I know, something you probably take for granted, but I haven't been properly burped my whole life! When I was intubated it wasn't possible, but with the new style, I have more mobility and flexibility. Mommy got to do the honours today:



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi little Andrej.I am so happy to be able to know what`s going on at the hospital.Yay!Burping...!Well,I hope you take up the piano,too so we can both play a little Mozart! Anyways,can`t wait until you come home from the hospital so I can really see how cute you are.
Lots of love,
Mommy`s Student