Sunday, May 20, 2007

Please Don't Laugh at My Hat

Day 69, 1500 grams. Yeah!

The score today is BOY:0, BOOGERS:1. Early today I had some trouble breathing because of some clogs in the pipes and so I went back to CPAP. But not just any CPAP. No, my faithful friends, I had to endure the dreaded "Bubble CPAP." Picture a goofy looking hat with straps on the front and back. These straps hold a special mask that completely seals off my nose so that I get continuous pressure into my lungs.
Since daddy forgot the camera today, I'll have to use this photo as a close approximation:

You see, in spite of my recent A+ in breast feeding, I'm only getting a C- in lung capacity, so they need to be inflated as much as possible. This mask is supposed to do the trick. Also, It should give my poor nose a break from all the irritation it's been receiving over the last couple of months. I know that the boogers have to come out, but sometimes they "use the force" a little too much. Yes, that was a terrible Star Wars joke, but c'mon, I'm exhausted from wearing this stupid thing. Any way, I don't know how long I'll be on this thing, but I know I'll get through this. After all,

The force is strong with this one.



Ceci said...

I'm sorry you had to go on bubble CPAP Andrej. I know it's ugly, but it will really help you.
And most of the RTs love you as much as we do, so they wouldn't make you wear that ugly hat if it didn't work well ;-)

I'll be seing you tomorrow cuz I got the day off today (youppi!).


Anonymous said...

breast feeding good at you are...

with bubble cap cute still you look...

grow strong you will...

lightsaber your daddy get you he will...

Anonymous said...

Hey there little guy. Great news about the breast feeding.NO BITING!! Mommy won't like that. Keep up the good work. Lil' Robert keeps asking when your coming out of there. He says it's way more fun out here. You can scare Mommy other ways you know..jumping off the coffee table is my favorite,drinking the dog's water is fun too. Oh Mommy likes that one. Come on over and I'll fill you in on the finer pionts of driving your Mommy crazy.

Anonymous said...

The message above is from Jayne and Son. I'll remember to sign off in future!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Little Man
Sounds like good things are coming your way these days. Good news, that. You had us concerned for a while there but the breast connection is the best yet. No better place for you in this whole wide world. And they say that screaming is good for lung developement so its good to hear that you are getting exercise.
Looking forward to seeing you model your new hat. Hey, you could start a new style with it. I mean, they laughed at bell bottoms when they first came out as well.
Peace to your world,
Aunt Marcie in Boston