Saturday, May 12, 2007


Day 61, 1330 grams

You know who is really good looking? I mean, really handsome and dashing? ME! In a bold move today, the doctor decided that my nose needs a chance to heal, and the only way to do that is to have NOTHING in there! So out with the tubes up the shnozz and off with the sticky junk on my face! The only assistance I'm getting now is extra oxygen pumped into my incubator, but aside from that I'm on my own. Before you get too excited, just remember that this may not last. We're hoping it does, mind you! I have to get used to this whole breathing business--it's rather new to me.

I was so excited about my new found facial freedom that I decided to re-enact my little poop spectacular from Wednesday. Wheee! All over everything once again. There was more poop flying around than in a zoo full of monkeys! Poor mommy got the brunt, but she's a champ. I'm sure she's just happy to know that my bowels are fully functional. Maybe I'll do another one tomorrow in honour of Mother's Day. Hmmmm...

The removal of my CPAP tube also caused a huge dip in nurse productivity today. Every one had to line up to get a pinch of my rosy little cheeks. If can keep this cuteness thing going I bet someone will sneak me out for one of those legendary "Iced Cap" drinks they're all raving about. This face can probably score two, maybe three, free cups! I wonder what size tube they would need to feed me one of those?

So tonight I leave you with a little song. No dancing though, I'm still just a baby, after all.

I love your funny face
Your sunny, funny face.
For you're a cutie
With more than beauty.
You've got a lot of "per-son-a-li-T.-N.-T."
You fill the air with smiles

For miles and miles and miles.

Though you're no Mona Lisa,

For worlds I'd not replace

Your sunny, funny face.



Ceci said...

As I sit here typing this, you're sleeping soundly in you isolette, very content knowing you have nothing on your face.

You should sing AND dance. You need to build up those muscles!
I must be tired, cuz I don't know recognize that song. Unless, of course, you made it up for us (being that you come from such a musical family)!

Keep up the good work. At this rate, you'll be getting that Ice Cap in no time!

Anonymous said...

Andrej your looking good! You are off the hook this year....but this time next year you and your Dad better be making your Mom a champagne breakfast in bed (maybe an iced cap too)! Happy Mother's Sandra!

Lots of Love, Aunt Lisa

Anonymous said...

You are so handsome- love those cheeks!

Auntie Mel xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi guys...A big HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY to Sandra. By the way, Bubba was upset I forgot him in our last greeting...He misses Sandra terribly (as do all of us).

With love,

Arielle, Arthur, Laurence Benjamin and...Bubba!

Anonymous said...

Andrej, dear.
WO, Wo, Hubba, hubba, gotta love that face!! And such great functioning bowels!! Impressed we are!
My favorite pictures are still the ones that include the special grown ups in your life--especially when they are holding you. You look so safe and secure and they look so in love. It seems like a happy thing but somehow, it always brings a tear to my eye. But tears can be happy tears.
Love to you, littel Prince,
Aunt Marcie oF Boston

Anonymous said...

Happy Mama's Day Sandra!
Sending everyone good thoughts and lots o' love!