Friday, May 18, 2007

Intravenous Irritations

Day 67, 1450 grams

Another exciting day of boy-on-breast action! This time around I lasted for a full 15 minutes--TWICE! I am definitely preferring this method of milk delivery. My numbers all steady, my boogers are still big and measured milk feeds are at 15ml. However I was having a bugger of a time maintaining an IV site. Since they took out my central line they've had to give me my TPN through temporary IVs which normally should last a couple of days. I'm lucky if they last a couple of hours! I've had 5 different IVs poked in me over the last 36 hours. Oy I feel like a pincushion.

I was really excited to hear that Oma and Aunt Becky were coming to visit today. I waited and waited but they got stuck in traffic. By the time they showed up I was fast asleep, so couldn't entertain them with my new tricks. I was so zonked out I even missed a visit from Uncle Zlatko, who just got back from Mexico. He said he brought me some tequila, but I don't think the nurses would want me having that just yet.

Big smiles out to aunties Ceci & Mel--I miss you guys and I can't wait to see you on Monday.

Vaya con dios, amigos!


Oma & Aunt B visiting me today


Anonymous said...

sweet heart!! If i could make all the iv pokes go away i would. On behalf of all the nurses:we hate doing all that needle stuff!! Soory buddy. Let me let you in on a little secret. You know that breast feeding thing?? advice to you is get really good at that really fast and the tpn days will be gonzo!!!!
Reach for the top you can do it!!
xox andrea
miss you

Anonymous said...

Hey little buddy! It was great to see you! You are looking so great....and boy are you a handsome little fella! I mean, you look adorable in your pics, but in person, wow! I loved watching you pull those cute faces while you were sleeping! Next time I visit I'll be sure to get there to see you awake and get the full 'Andrej Experience', tricks and all!
Until then, you keep up the good work with that boob!
Love Aunt B

Brad said...

Heya Andrej!

Glad to see you are doing well...had a good trip to ottawa where I met with Randy Couture and told him about you, he was quite impressed with your fighting spirit. I have a little something for you from him for the next time I see you...which I hope will be soon.

Take care,
