Thursday, May 10, 2007

Baby Back Ribs

Day 59, 1260 grams

All in all a pretty good day today. Lowered pressure, kangaroo session with mama, minimal barfing, plus my ribs are healing nicely. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about that little misadventure. Turns out I had a few busted ribs. Really! Here's the deal: due to my CDL, I have fluid in my lungs. In order to get rid of this fluid, I'm on a medication called Lasix, which makes me pee a LOT. Unfortunately this medication also eats away at the calcium in my bones, making them more fragile than they already are. So with weakened bones it was only a matter of time before I had a slight mishap. Luckily, we babies tend to heal faster than adults, and we don't feel the discomfort of a couple of broken ribs like you, either. In fact, they're already healing up nicely. I can't help but feel a little beat up, though.

I mean, I look like this:
But I feel like this:
Well, I'm gonna fly now. Take care and I'll see you tomorrow.


Yo Adrian!


Anonymous said...

I don't know how you do it - be a baby (hard work), be a blogger (high-flying entertainer), AND a source of inspiration for your faithful readers. Rocky's got nothin' on you. I've got nothin' much on you, either - okay, I was hit by a car when I was a kid, but I never broke any ribs, and I maxed out at about 42 days for my hospital stay. I have a feeling that you're not going to either be able to come a wedding in Ontario in June, or let the 'rents out of town to attend, so will you please research NICU break-dancing, so that you can all be involved? Good. Love to all, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Andrej you are one tough cookie! (But maybe you should re-think that underground NICU fight club idea....!)

You take care and I'll see you real soon!

Love your Aunt Becky

Anonymous said...

You will be! Just need to be patient and one day you will see a big guy in the mirror :)