Friday, May 11, 2007

Have You Hugged Your Nurse Today?

Day 60, 1300 grams (closing in on 3 pounds -- W00T!)

My apologies to my nurses for not mentioning this earlier in the week, but May 6 to 12 was National Nursing Week. It's a time to thank all those stalwart care providers who work for little pay and even less recognition. To the casual observer, it may seem as though they are the faceless, nameless masses who toil in anonymity, but in reality they are the front line of the medical profession. The doctors may be the spark that sets the flame, but they are fuel that keeps that flame burning. So to all my nurses, and nurses everywhere else, I raise my bottle of breast milk in your honour today, and indeed, every day!

Looking back at the week that was, here is a synopsis of the JGH NICU events for National Nurses Week:

SUNDAY: Opening Ceremonies, Orientation, Luau in the Nurses Lounge
MONDAY: Speed Extubation Races
TUESDAY: Beeping Ventilator Hammer Toss
WEDNESDAY: Poopy Diaper Russian Roulette
THURSDAY: Full-Contact Preemie Kickboxing
FRIDAY: Incubator Drag Races
SATURDAY: Closing Ceremonies, Breast Milk Kegger for Babies

Nurses, we salute you!



Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Andrej! That was very sweet of you to mention us (your nurses) in your blog! I now I haven't seen you a lot this week, but I've been catching up on my reading and now am fully up to speed with your blog! We might be the fuel that keep the flame alive, but we do it because we have the flame burning deep inside, because we care and no matter how much we complain, we do it because we love it. To hold little patients like you in our arms is our reward on a daily basis (at least it is mine) and I am fully conscious of the chance I have to take care of such tiny lives everyday! Be good to your mummy on the weekend, it's a special one for her... her 1st Mother's day! Happy mother's day Sandra!
Val xxo

Ceci said...

Hey Andrej!

I wish I had been able to see all of the events taking place this week. Unfortunatly for me, the only one I got to experience was the "Poopy Diaper Russian Roulette"...

Thank you for wishing us a happy nurses' week. It means a lot to me (and all of us) that you mention us in your blog. So in honour of Nurses' Week, as you raise you bottle of breastmilk, I raise my mug of coffee ;-)

Just a thought: since you are out to change the world, do you think you could get the OIIQ to pay it's nurses better? Maybe a little bonus for Nurses' Week?


Anonymous said...

Hey Andrej!

Just wanted to say thanks for raising your bottle of breastmilk to us- i on the other hand will raise an ice cap- which thankx to your mom she now has me addicted to them !LOL!

Yeah, and about what ce said- how about working on the salary thing...
but jokes aside- its wonderful taking care of you, and talking to your ma and pa- we all feel the same way!
Auntie Mel xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Good words.