Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Me, My Mom, and Her Mom.

Day 62, 1350 grams (approx.)

What did you give your mom for Mother's Day? I gave my mommy some grey hairs! Well, I told you yesterday that it may not last, and sure enough, around 11am today I started tiring out and de-saturating like crazy so they had to put me on a nasal cannula. Then, to make matters worse, I had a de-sat/brady festival around 4pm that prompted the nurses to put me on high-flow, which is kind of like being on CPAP only with the nasal cannula. It's hard out there for a preemie! However, I did have a great kangaroo session with my mommy today, which made her very happy on this special day. Mommy was also a bit sad, though, because she misses Oliver so much. I do too. I wish both of us could have wished her a happy Mother's Day.

But this is supposed to be a happy day, so I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all of you out there who read my blog and especially thank those that leave me comments. Most of my readers are from the Montreal and Ottawa areas, and
I've had visitors from all over Canada, from St. John's to Vancouver, but did you know that my blog is international? In the USA from California to Massachusetts, from Portugal, France, Germany, Venezuela, India, China, Japan, Australia and Singapore. Your support means so much to my mommy and daddy. I'm pretty sure they would have gone crazy long ago without it! So to all of you out there in cyberspace--especially all the moms--I send you a big kiss:
Word to your motherz!



cecilia said...

I know I'm a wee bit late, but Happy Mother's Day to your mommy!

It's normal to miss Oliver. You two hung out in mommy's belly for 25 weeks and mommy & daddy only got to meet him for a little time. But remember, he's your angel now and he's looking out for you and your family...


PS: Tell mommy you made her a mother's day card...

Anonymous said...

hey there little man now now if your are blowing kisses like that all your aunties in prem will be very very jealous......keep getting better
chantal (RRT)

Anonymous said...

thank you very much, Andrej, for the big kiss! I´m your fan, a big one!!!
Recieve a big hug and a kiss from Portugal, a country that one day you will visite with your parents. Give my regards to them also!

Ana (
from Portugal!

PS: what about the "Thinking Blogguer Award", did you enjoy it?

Brad said...

I hope that you guys had a good Mother's Day together...and I hope to see you all in the near future...

Take care,
