Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Slowly Moving Forward

Day 65, 1410 grams

So far so good. They've started my feeds again and put me back on the nasal cannula, plus my infection seems to be under control. I do have the occasional spaz-out when I forget to breath, but hopefully I'll remember that breathing is good. I'm really happy that my weight is starting to steadily increase. I'm particularly impressed with my cute double chin and chub rolls developing on my arms and legs. It's hard to be humble when you're as cute as me!

For the most part it was a pretty quiet day. Baka came for visit in the evening and daddy stayed late to tuck me in. I look forward to tomorrow when I might get more food and maybe even some kangaroo fun with mommy!




Anonymous said...

Dear little big friend Andrej,
Finally...everything is all right! I hat infeccions...go away bad bacterias! Go...go!!! Live my friend alone, please!!!
a little big kiss to you Andrej!
Ana (

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Glad Andrej is turning this corner. Hang in there!

Arielle, Arthur, Laurence and Benjamin and Bubba

Anonymous said...

My dear, Do you know that NOT breathing is the singer's No. 1 enemy? I just hate it when I forget to breathe! There we are, in the middle of a mile-long Bach something-or-another, and, OOPS, no more air. Rats.
Andrej, message for Mom and Dad. When you are really sick, I really want to know. 'Cause then, if Mom and Dad feel really discouraged, it's the job of those around you to feel hopeful for them and keep praying. That's the deal - believe me, if I learned anything from my own big brush with the medical system, it's that I NEVER worried about how I was doing. My parents, on the other hand, were a wreck a lot of the time. Good thing people were supporting them. So keep ticking along, fighting the bad stuff that needs to be fought, and we'll keep beating the bushes out here.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I need to respond to a comment. I've been noticing that Aunt Cheryl is pushing this vocals thing in several of her responses. I'm looking at those fingers or yours and I'm thinking violin. Before you make up your mind on a singing career, give us a call.
She is right about the supporting parent thing. We have been praying for them just as much as we have for you. And my heart goes out to them when you struggle because I know it breaks their hearts to see you in pain. I am getting all the twins to pray because they have a soft spot in their hearts for you and your brother. We gotta stick together.
Love, Great Aunt Marcie