Monday, April 30, 2007

It's a Beautiful Day

Day 49, 1080 grams

Ever have one of those days where all the forces of the cosmos seems to align and everything just goes right? Yeah, that was me today. All aces.

This morning they upgraded me to 15mL of milk every 3 hours, which put my total intake for today at 112mL! Dr. Kovacs lowered my ventilator pressure to 14 and right away I started posting some great numbers. My oxygen needs went well below 30% for most of the day (and at one point I went as low as you can go--that's right, room air, baby!). I marked this achievement by loading my diaper with a celebratory poop for Melissa. She was so impressed that she decided to work a double shift to see if I could repeat the feat.

It was surprisingly calm in the NICU for a Monday, and as a result mommy had a very good kangaroo session with me today and we were able to catch a very soothing nap. We said goodbye to Baby Ulysse today--lucky guy got to home with his mommy and daddy. Don't worry buddy, I'll be bustin' out of here soon, too!

I got a surprise visit from Opa AND Oma today! I was so pleased that I showed Oma a really big smile, and then I peed my diaper.

Before I go, I'd like to say Happy Birthday to Great-Aunt Marcie in Massachusetts. Thanks for the crucifix--we put it in my incubator right next to my
Shir LaMa'alot card, and the stuffed toys have joined my ever-expanding menagerie.




Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I have to emphasize the size of the poop you had today...... for such a little guy; it was a giant poop, so large that it was started to leak out of the sides of your diaper! Caught it just in time... phew!!!!!!

Auntie Mel

cecilia said...

I'm glad you had a good KMC session Andrej, but Mondays are NEVER quiet...
I guess you being on mommy for such a long time made you forget the world around you!
Now if only all of our babies could be as calm as you... ;)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and am glad to hear things are going so well for Andrej.
Jo and Stef

Anonymous said...

Dear Andrej
Greetings from your cousins in Ohio. Spent and hour today catching up on all your news. Your blog is great (though I'm still not sure what blog even means). It sounds like things are getting better all the time. Just wanted you to know that there's a group down here that prays for you every Wednesday morning and that your cousins keep you (and Mom and Dad) in our prayers every day. I'll be visiting your Dutch cousins in the Netherlands in 2 weeks and I'll share all the news with them too. Jesus loves the little children and we love you too.
Dorothy, Larry, Lacey, Adam, Chuck and Patrick Williams