Monday, April 23, 2007

There and Back Again

Day 42, 1040 grams. Oh Yeah, I own that kilo now!

I got to ride in the ambulance again today (still no stopping for Timbits and an Iced Cap--bummer) because today is the day I went back to my regular hospital. Everyone was so happy to see me come back, but I was kind of expecting a little more hoopla and fanfare. At the very least some hulabaloo. Regardless, it was good to be back among familiar faces. I was especially glad to see Andrea again! I even let her have the pleasure of suctioning the boogers out of my nose! And I know she's impressed with my hulked-up one kilo bod. Ooooh yeah! This way to the gun show, ladies!

As for my stats, I'm still recovering from my surgery, but my oxygen is consistently in the low to mid 20s (remember: 21% is basically room air!) and my breath rate is 45. While I'm on the mend I'm on a mild dose of fentanyl, or as I like to call it, happy juice.

If anyone out there reading this happens to be an NICU nurse looking for a job, come on by, because I have soooo many new neighbours! Total pandemonium. In all the confusion I almost forgot to say goodbye to my friend Blake, who is going for his own stay at the Children's Hospital. Stay strong, buddy! I hope you come back soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Andrej !!
Everyone here at Scotiabank in Richmond is thinking about you!! We can't wait to meet you. Our prayers are with you Little Guy