Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Visit from Opa

Day 43, 1000 grams

Yes, yes, I know I've lost weight, but once again I'm getting rid of excess fluid. Now I'm totally cut! Today they started feeding me mommy's milk again. Starting with 3mL and increasing to 6mL by the end of the day.

The doctors are now starting to wean me off the respirator, first by lowering my pressure a bit. I'm not sure how much I like it yet, and I think I might be feeling a little pain from my operation since they started decreasing my fentanyl. I've had a few little "incidents" tonight, so the nurses will have to keep an eye on me!

The big news is that I had a surprise visit from Opa today (Opa is Dutch for Grandpa, by the way). He said I looked a lot bigger and it would only be a matter of time before I would be put to work picking strawberries. Sounds like fun! He said it would be easy since I'm so close to the ground. He's the guy disturbing my sleep in the picture

Now I'm tired and I need some sleep. I hope tomorrow is a another day of progress!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrej,

I am a new admirer of yours! Sandra, whom I know from St. John the Baptist Anglican Church in Richmond, pointed me towards your blog. I have never "blogged" before -- it's fascinating.

You are an amazing, beautiful, strong person and such an inspiration. I tell you, if ever I am having a tough day, I will think again.

You are in my prayers and thoughts. Stay strong!
