Sunday, April 29, 2007

Belly Flop Day!

Day 48, 1120 grams.

Oy, I'm such a pig! I'm up to 13 mL of food every 3 hours now. That alone is impressive, but factor in that I am also receiving the maximum amount of IV nutrition! Wow!

Today I did kangaroo care with daddy again. I love the big guy, but he's not as good as mommy. He needs to relax more! Apparently, mothers also automatically regulate their heat to make sure babies don't get too hot or cold during skin-to-skin contact. Dads? Not so much.

I've been trying to tell everyone for days now that my favorite sleeping position is on my belly, but unfortunately I lack the power to speak because I'm a BABY. Any way, mom, dad and the nurses are now making sure that I get a lot of time on my belly. I tend to breath easier and it takes the pressure off my scar, which is mostly on my back. What they don't realize is that my picky behaviour is, in fact, part of my master plan to escape this joint. On more than one occasion nurses, respiratory therapists and even my parents have caught me with my hand on my breathing tube. I'm pretty close to figuring out how to disconnect this thing, and when I do, you can kiss my baby butt good-bye! I'll be sooo outta here. Don't tell anyone, K?



Anonymous said...

Hello, Sandra, Paul and Andrej;

Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to keep up with Andrej's progress. You guys must be exhausted! Max can't wait to meet Andrej and push him around a little (he doesn't have that many friends who are smaller than he is) and we hope to come by for a visit in May.

Lots of love,

Kerry, David and Max

Karin said...

Hi Andrej! I think we are technically second cousins, but I'm not exactly sure! To make it simpler, your dad is my cousin, and my dad would be your great Uncle Nick. Great Uncle Nick sent me the address to your blog and I have been checking it every few days. I am really glad to see that it looks like you are making great progress with your feeding and that you are finally able to cuddle with your mom and dad! Grow up well and say hi to your parents for me, even though I've only met them a couple times ;)
