Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Big Stable Day!

Day 37, 970g

In this NICU world a day where nothing at all happens is a good day. My oxygen is between 23% and 26% which is excellent for a little guy with the size of PDA that I have. Apparently anything below 20% is just the air in the room, so yeah, I'm doing all right!

I was very happy today because I'm now up to 3mL of food every three hours. That, combined with my steroids and the increase in my IV fluids, means I'll be bustin' outta here in no time! Right now the most important thing for me is getting BIGGER.

In other news, a fungal infection I had called candida has officially cleared up! One less item on my "list of issues."

I had a surprise visit from my tetka (great-aunt for you non-Balkans) all the way from Texas. Well, actually she's back from a three month stay in Texas visiting her own grandkids. She has a funny new name for me: "misko popisko," which means "little mouse that pees a lot." Well I am small like a mouse and do pee A LOT, so I guess I can't argue there.

So I'll leave you with a little piece of wisdom today. Today I got a "Shir LaMa'alot" card, which, according to Jewish tradition, is placed in the baby's bassinet after birth. Written in Hebrew on the card is Psalm 121 and other writings to safeguard mom and me. Dad put the card on the wall of my incubator right next to the little crucifix that great-aunt Marcie sent from Boston. How cool that I'm just over a month old and I'm already learning about the religions of the world? When you're as small as me, you need all the prayers and good vibes you can get!



Brad said...

Hey Little buddy...I see you are getting bigger each day and I am happy about take care and watch out for your parents as well...


Anonymous said...

Can't believe your over a month old now, seems not that long ago your grandma in Richmond told me of your birth, she loves you very much and talks about you whenever I see her. Hang in there baby Andrej I am praying for you.

Jewish Jewelry said...

Thank you for sharing