Friday, December 28, 2007

Mali and Meli--Together Again!

Yay! Today I had a visit from my teta Meli and cika Mladen. For those of you who don't know about Meli--which is unlikely since she posts a comment on every single one of my blogs--she is a very special friend of the family. You may remember that she threw a baby shower at her house back on June 17th. I hadn't seen her since the summer, and she was really surprised to see how big I've grown. In fact, I think I may have weighed half as much as I do now!

So they had a nice coffee with mommy and daddy, I got some really cool silverware for when I'm older, and barfed on cika Mladen. Good times! Thanks for stopping by guys!


(A handy reminder of Croatian terms: Mali = little-a nickname for me! Teta and Cika = auntie and uncle, but a more honorary form)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hej MALI nisi ti vise MALI nego pravi VELIKI jos se oporavljamo od iznenadjenja sto si nam priredio svojom VISINOM I TEZINOM..... VOLIM TE BESKRAJNO... tvoja teta meli