Monday, March 12, 2007

Welcome to the World

Hello world,

My brother Oliver and I were born today, much earlier than expected. Mommy was only 24 weeks along in her pregnancy when, for some reason, we started being born. A few days earlier she had gone to the hospital for a routine ultrasound where they found out that she was already dilating. For those of you who don't know about obstetrics, that is bad. Really bad. At that point the doctor checked her into the hospital right away, and ordered her on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. Unfortunately that ended up being less than a week later.

We were born by cesarean delivery. Oliver John came first at 9:27pm, and I, Andrej Ilija, came two minutes later. Right away we were brought to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in order to save our lives. Mommy never got to see us or hold us or hear us cry. Meanwhile, my Baka (which is Croatian for Grandma), my uncle Zlatko, and mommy and daddy's friends Adriana, Antonio, James and Hugh were outside, anxiously waiting any news. Daddy came about an hour later to take these pictures to show everyone. That's me on the bottom, and my big brother on the top. He was bigger, at 750 grams, whereas I was 720. Even in the womb he was the bigger guy!

At this point we are both hooked up to ventilators that will breath for us, intravenous lines that will supply us with nutrition and medicines and other various sensors to monitor our heart rate, breath rate and oxygen saturation.

This is going to be rough ride, everyone. Hope is all we have.


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